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Explore Relaxation Through Yin and Yoga Nidra

  • goyoga 6727 Dublin Center Drive Dublin, OH, 43017 United States (map)

Unlike vinyasa practices, the practice of yin yoga works on our deep tissues, keeping our joints healthy. It is also a deeply meditative practice with each pose being held for several minutes. Props are used to support the body in a way that allows for deepening into the pose as the muscles relax. This intimate practice requires us to go deep within ourselves, acknowledging sensations and emotions. 


Yoga nidra, or yoga sleep, is defined as a state of sleep with trace awareness, a state that induces deep relaxation. This deeply meditative state is achieved using a guided meditation technique designed to move you through the five koshas, or layers of your being. It is believed that when practiced to it’s fullest capacity, yoga nidra can be a pathway to Samadhi, a state of higher consciousness.


Both practices have many physical and mental benefits-- decreased stress response, decreased anxiety, improved digestion, improved blood circulation and pain reduction to name a few.


In this workshop we will explore the origins, philosophy and many benefits of both of these meditative practices. You will have an opportunity to fully experience both practices as well as learn techniques that you can incorporate into your daily lives.

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