Dates: 4/18, 4/25 and 5/2 from 1-2:30pm
In this 3-week series, you will learn the basics of a well-rounded yoga practice! Our intention is to empower you to create a solid foundation to support you in all of our group classes and in incorporating yoga into your everyday life! We will explore a series of traditional yoga postures, trying on different variations and use of props to find a starting point that supports you. We will learn to incorporate mindful breathing into our physical yoga practice as well as learn relaxation and meditation techniques to help cultivate focus and alleviate stress. This series is geared toward brand new beginners and is also great for those who are looking to freshen up on or get another perspective on the basics.
Investment: $60 if enrolled by 3/31; $70 after
*includes 3 weeks of unlimited yoga!